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Missing Picard Season 3 Actor Talks Data Team-Up That Didn"t Happen

  • Isa Briones, who played Soji in Star Trek: Picard, talks about a potential season 3 meeting between Soji and Data that was scrapped.
  • Briones expresses her excitement at the idea of a scene between Soji and Brent Spiner's Data, as it would have fulfilled Data's desire for a daughter.
  • While fans speculated about the possibility, Briones believes it would have been a beautiful moment.
Isa Briones, who played multiple roles in Star Trek: Picard, talks about a potential season 3 meeting between Soji and Data (Brent Spiner) that didn't happen. Soji was a principal character in Picard season 1, although Briones only made a brief appearance as Soji in Picard season 2. However, Soji and her deceased twin sister Dahj were essentially Data's daughters, as they were human-like synthetics built from a positronic neuron recovered from the then-late Data.
Speaking to Bleeding Cool about her hit Disney+ and Hulu series Goosebumps, Isa Briones was asked about Star Trek: Picard season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas' plan to have a scene where Soji meets Data, at last, which was reportedly scrapped due to time and budget. Briones explains what she was aware of in terms of Soji meeting Data in Picard season 3. Read her quote below:
[indent]I would say that's a little more of a rumor mill thing. We would have loved to do that. I would have loved to do a scene with Brent because that's one thing we and the fans are missing: Data always wanted a daughter, and there would have been a beautiful opportunity for Data and his daughter to meet. I've heard people talk about that. That was maybe something people wanted to do, but I was never told about it [making it a reality]. That would have been a beautiful scene to have.